Classics, passion for the past !

1963 Porsche 356 B T6 Super 90

Price on request

Karosserie Coupe
Kraftstofftyp Petrol
Motor 1600 cc 90hp
Übertragung Manual
Außenfarbe Primrose yellow
Innenfarbe Black
Polsterei Leather
Lenkung Lhd
This very beautiful 356B T6 S90 (Super 90) was supplied new in April 1963. The first owner was an American Air Force officer stationed at the Ramstein Airforce Base in Germany. He had his new car delivered to Germany where he used the car until his service time was up. The owner and his car then moved to America, where the owner retained his 356 until his death. Then the car came into the hands of his daughter. She decided to sell the car as she wasn’t really very interested. We bought the car in 2013 and sold it to a Dutch automobile aficionado, who, however, drove the car sporadically. This 356 S90 is still in an excellent and rust-free state. The body was repainted once, in the 1990s, and of course it was repainted in the original colour, Champagne Yellow 6205B. In 1986, the engine was replaced by a KD engi... ne. The code KD stands for Kunden Dienst. Engines with this code are engines that have been overhauled at the Porsche factory and so, this engine is the correct one for this 356B T6. At the request of the owner, the odometer was reset to zero after the new engine had been installed. This has been duly documented and the evidence is part of a large amount of old invoices. The car has since driven some 11,000 mls. only.   read more >>>
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